Anna & The Brexit Apocalypse

Anna And The Apocalypse

What if Brexit makes you depressed?

All the uncertainty – will we leave, when will we leave, will Mars Bars be rationed? – is bound to cause a certain amount of anxiety and upset. In this instance, the best thing to do is what Anna does in the film when confronted with slavering, blood-thirsty zombies and a world changed forever… by bursting into song! Nothing pushes the cares away than giving your lungs a good workout.

What if everything DOES descend into chaos?

To begin with, that’s no way of looking at things – accentuate the positive. Who knows, everything could work out fine, right? Right? No – okay then, let’s say things get a bit hairy. Take a deep breath and do what Nick (played by Ben Wiggins) does in the film – flashes a dazzling smile, and, with a twinkle in his eyes, keeps calm and carries on. Oh, but don’t forget to pack a baseball bat also.

Anna and the Apocalypse out now on DVD from Vertigo Releasing

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.