BRWC: battleroyalewithcheese 1982POSTS

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.

Top 5 Awesome Video Games Inspired by Films and TV Series

Top 5 Awesome Video Games Inspired by Films and TV Series When beloved films and TV shows are adapted into video games, they offer fans

The Lure Of Irish Folklore On The Big Screen

The Lure Of Irish Folklore On The Big Screen There is a sense of magic and mystique surrounding Irish folklore. Whether it’s the mysterious landscapes,

Helemaal het Einde: Review

Helemaal het Einde & I Like It Rough: Review. By Aytron Lewis-Avery. For an independent film, some may be surprised to know that Helemaal

The Artifice Girl: Review

The Artifice Girl: Review. By Ayrton-Lewis Avery. The Artifice Girl must have pushed everything out of a child actor Tatum Matthews (playing as “Cherry”)

8 Footballers Who Appeared In Movies

8 Footballers Who Appeared in Movies Have you ever watched a movie and thought you had seen an actor playing at the World Cup before?