A great (and/or memorable) film often has a fantastic soundtrack, in fact there have been more than a few movies where I preferred the music. I won't mention these films right now though
synecdoche - /sinekd ki/• noun a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in England lost by six wickets (meaning ‘the English cricket team’).- ORIGIN Greek sunekdokhe, from sun- ‘together’ + ekdekhesthai ‘take up’.OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARYCharlie Kaufman is without doubt
The OrphanageA transient mixture of mystery, adventure and uncertainty in a place like no other. A place where lost secrets hope to be found. A tale where love is lost. A tale that embodies an enigma, coils itself into another enigma and crawls into a chilling story.The
Witnessing the sorry state of over budgeted, over hyped comedy madness, Tropic Thunder hit the screens in late 2008. The feature starts off all well with great fake adverts and trailers for each of the actors involved. I have no problems with this and believe they are the strongest point
Here is (new BRWC member) Ellen's take on The Dark Knight.After the disappointment of recent summer blockbusters (The Incredible Hulk ? The Happening ?) a large amount of cinematic expectation was being pinned on Mr Christopher Nolan to a) not have a difficult second film and b) not let us