Megan Williams 335POSTS

Megan’s taste in films are interesting: her favourite films are ‘Space Jam’, Studio Ghibli’s ‘The Cat Returns’, as well as horror films ‘Saw’, ‘Drag Me To Hell’ and ‘Ju-On: The Grudge’. When she’s not watching films, she’ll be spending precious hours playing ‘Crash Bandicoot’.

All-New Halloween Spooktacular! WandaVision: Disney+ Talk

All-New Halloween Spooktacular! WandaVision: Disney+ Talk So, after Episode 5 of ‘Wandavision’ ended with a major twist, I was left wondering whether that particular character’s

On A Very Special Episode… WandaVision: Disney+ Talk

On A Very Special Episode… WandaVision: Disney+ Talk (Spoilers!) - Another week brings us another fantastic episode of the Marvel show ‘Wandavision’. And, by

Draw With Me: Review

‘Draw With Me’ is a 20-minute short film that revolves around Brendon Scholl, Jennifer Lopez’ nibling (gender neutral term for a niece or nephew).

We Interrupt This Program (WandaVision): Disney+ Talk

Disney+ Talk With Megan Williams: Wandavision Episode 4: We Interrupt This Program SPOILERS BELOW! After Episode 3’s game-changing ending (and aspect ratio), I am now even

WandaVision: Now In Colour - Disney+ Talk

Wandavision: Now In Colour - Disney+ Talk (SPOILERS!) Another week brings us another episode of the Marvel show ‘Wandavision’. However, Disney+ only released one episode