Megan Williams 336POSTS

Megan’s taste in films are interesting: her favourite films are ‘Space Jam’, Studio Ghibli’s ‘The Cat Returns’, as well as horror films ‘Saw’, ‘Drag Me To Hell’ and ‘Ju-On: The Grudge’. When she’s not watching films, she’ll be spending precious hours playing ‘Crash Bandicoot’.

Kitbull: Pixar Sparkshorts - Disney+ Talk

At the beginning of the year, I watched a Pixar Sparkshorts for the first time. These are short films that are created by different

One World, One People: Falcon And The Winter Soldier

SPOILERS - Like mentioned last week, this article will be a spoiler article for the series finale of ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’. Ultimately,

One World, One People: Falcon And The Winter Soldier - Disney+ Talk

One World, One People: Falcon And The Winter Soldier - Disney+ Talk. Friday saw the release of the series finale of ‘The Falcon and the

Murder Bury Win: Review

While board games aren’t a prominent figure in films, they’ve been used as a focal plot point, to carry a story along as well

Truth: Falcon And Winter Soldier - Disney+ Talk

Truth: Falcon And Winter Soldier - Disney+ Talk - After the last episode’s shocking ending, ‘The Falcon And The Winter Soldier’ has finally grabbed