Ruth Orevba: A Quick Chat

Ruth Orevba

By Eleanor Klein. There’s no question that Ruth Orevba is currently one of the most sought after models in New York City. Not only is she beautiful but many do not know she is a fashion executive at one of America’s most prestigious fashion brands. Today we had the opportunity to chat with her.

Take us through a typical day for you…

Wake up at 8 am! I like to get ahead of my work schedule so I check my phone for new emails and messages and start responding right away while still in bed. I get out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. I am obsessed with skincare so I look to see if the products I used the night before are working. After I shower, I do my morning skincare routine (I always use vitamin c serum, rose water, and sunscreen), put on the clothes I laid out the night before, get my cup of black tea, and make myself some scrambled eggs with feta cheese.

Now I’m ready to take on the day!

9:15am – I get on my computer and work my day time job remotely. I work in marketing in the fashion industry so my day is filled with many zoom calls and figuring out our next launch.

1pm – I eat a light lunch such as sushi or grilled chicken with brown rice
After I am done with my day job I work on self-submitting myself to castings, reaching out to photographers, and trying to get my next booking.
At 7pm I go out for a 4 mile run around my neighborhood. I come home and put on my VR Oculus Quest headset which I have been utilizing to practice meditation and Tai Chi.

After this, I cook dinner usually broiled salmon and roasted veggies. I eat my dinner while I watch whatever I’m currently binging on Netflix ( Schitt’s Creek is 10/10). At around 11pm I shower, do my nighttime skincare routine and get myself ready for a nice peaceful slumber.

What is one thing our readers may not know about you

When I was living in Abuja, Nigeria at the age of 6 I attended a military primary school. From what I can remember it was quite the experience.

How did you get into modeling? 

At a young age I always knew I wanted to be a model. Growing up reading Vogue magazine and watching TV shows such as America’s Next Top Model. I started out in the pageant world. I won the title of Miss Rhode Island United stated back in 2017. I then compered at the national level
for the title of Miss United States 2017 and decided at that point I was going to pursue a life in modeling.

I packed my bags and moved to New York City with the hopes of catching a big break. I luckily was able to book my first modeling show a month later during NYFW fall 2017. During that show, I networked with a casting director who puts on a local charity fashion show every Sunday. I was invited to come the following Sunday to walk in the show and I was excited for any opportunity that came my way.

The audience was small and I didn’t think any of it. After the show ended an agent scout from a New York modeling agency came up to me and expressed interest. I met her the next day at the office and was signed to my first ever New York modeling agency on the spot.

What has been your greatest accomplishment to date? 

My best accomplishment I would say is getting my very first magazine spread. Last year, 2019, I did a photo shoot with a local New York photographer who reached out to me that he is putting a team together (stylist, designer, makeup artist). He wanted me to be the model of this photoshoot that he would end up submitting to various fashion magazines. I honestly didn’t think I would get published but 3 months later I got a spread in Horizon Magazine. I was very happy to see myself published in a fashion magazine!

What has been your most difficult challenge to date and how did you overcome it? 

My most difficult challenge to date has to be the recent passing of a family member. While enduring this pandemic, my father sadly passed away July 2020. It was a very hard time for me and my family. Not to mention I got a call the same day about a job offer I had been praying on.

I had to take a step back in my life to mentally heal and process the loss. My family and close friends were my main support group. I give thanks to God for keeping me strong, and the loved ones who have been there and continue to be there for me.

What advice would you give to someone looking to follow in your footsteps?

  1. If you want to model make sure you to get clear images of yourself. Your best friend or family member can take them on their iPhone if you don’t have access to a photographer. I wish someone told me to create a comp card before I moved to New York City.
  2. Be open to opportunities that come your way especially when you are starting out in the modeling industry. You are allowed to ask questions and vet the opportunity before you proceed.
  3. Next, you need to network, network, and network!!! This is also true in any professional corporate field you go into. Whenever I attend any modeling/entertainment events I try my best to get to know the people who are attending and the individuals who hosted the event. A lot of
    the designers, stylists, and other models I know were through just meeting them at a fashion show or modeling industry event. I always think back, what if I never spoke to the women during the NYFW Fall ’17 show? Or I did not accept the charity modeling gig? I probably would not have been where I am today.
  4. Be kind. People like to work with others that are friendly and have a positive attitude. This has been a key for being called back again for other opportunities.

You can follow Ruth on Instagram @ruthorevba

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