4) Nazis – Raiders of the Lost Ark
Nobody likes a Nazi, especially not a Nazi (or two) hell bent on stealing the Ark of the Covenant. Such a shame then that the Nazis of Raiders of the Lost Ark, consumed by a burning greed for biblical artifacts, failed to read the supernatural small print. It’s hard to enjoy holy relics when spiritual demons are stripping your face of its flesh.
3) Donald Gennaro – Jurassic Park
Never turn down the opportunity to use a toilet – “you never know when you’ll see the next one” – more often than not this is a rule to live by. Unless, of course, you’re Donald Gennaro, in which case the toilet is the last place you want to be. Death in a port-a-loo may not be the most glamorous way to go, but becoming a tyrannosaurus’s entrée is cinematic gold.
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