Daniel Radcliffe’s Dilemma

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Daniel Radcliffe’s Dilemma

By Matthew May.

I recently read an article on MTV News about a favourite actor of mine Daniel Radcliffe. I’m a massive Potter fan, loved the books and grew up watching the films so I’ve always had a keen interest in the careers of the child-stars turned world famous cast members and the paths they are taking post-potter.

However hard it was to actually do, the world had to move on from Harry Potter, even JK Rowling has moved on to other projects, yet I sometimes get the feeling from interviews that the 24 year old himself has not been able to fully shake off the character yet. That being said the most interesting part of this particular article, for me, was the admission that Radcliffe almost walked away from the series after the third film, which begs the hypothetical question; what would have happened if he did? How easy would it have been to move on? And where would Radcliffe be now if he had? I feel as though without the recognition of the full Potter series Radcliffe would not be in as good a position he is now, branching off in to Musical Theatre and picking up the roles that he has.

In the words of the man himself, ‘By the third film, I thought, if there’s a time to get out, its now; there’s still enough time for another actor to come in and establish himself’, before going on to say, ‘For a while I thought, if I do all of them, will I be able to move on to other stuff or should I start doing other stuff now’. His concerns are understandable as we’ve seen now how hard it has been for him to move away form this part and establish himself as an actor away from the magical world of Harry Potter and the fact that he foresaw this problem shows how incredibly ambitious he was at such a young age and the knowledge he had for the success of the franchise.

Despite the fact that at the time the fans were blissfully unaware of how close the ‘hero award’ nominee was to walking away, he chose to stay and complete the fantastically successful series, which has in turn shot his career prospects sky high resulting in him being cast in a starring role in The Woman in Black. I’m sure I speak for all the fans when I say I’m glad he did! Its easy to think that his career hasn’t blown up as much as it could’ve yet, however The Woman in Black is the highest-grossing British horror film in 20 years and he is currently filming Frankenstein, due for release in 2015 and progress is progress however steady.

In my personal opinion Radcliffe made the best decision by staying on and has become one of the most recognised actors in the world thanks to the success of Harry Potter. Personally I cannot imagine who would’ve stepped in to the role if Radcliffe had left so I’ll leave that up to the readers, tweet me who you think could’ve done the role justice @MattMay89.

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Alton loves film. He is founder and Editor In Chief of BRWC.  Some of the films he loves are Rear Window, Superman 2, The Man With The Two Brains, Clockwise, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Trading Places, Stir Crazy and Punch-Drunk Love.



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