I Spit On Your Grave Review By Lostzombie

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By Lostzombie.

Telling the story of a young woman played by Sarah Butler who decides in true horror movie style that its a good idea to write her new book in a isolated cabin in the woods of some redneck us state ( she is a horror writer so maybe we can give her that one)

However on her way to fill up on “gas” she inadvertently makes a fool of a local who try’s to hit on her. Leading him and his friends to visit her one night which leads to her being rape and left for dead.
But as I’m sure we all know that she has survived her ordeal and now wants to seek a horrible and bloody revenge against those who wronged her.

While the original was banned for a number of years and was mostly seen by those who knew where to get banned videos back before the glorious days of the internet any fan of the horror genre have seen this story in some form before.

While the original had the benefit of being first and the graphic, prolonged now famous rape scene (witch is still cut out of the DVD even today). This remake has the misfortune to come out after the likes of I Know What You Did Last Summer and everything that copied that and the likes of last years remake of Last House On The Left.

This is the main problem with the remake. More less everyone who sees this film knows the story already. So we need something to set it apart from the rest.

This leads us to the prolonged rape scene that made the original infamous now we have had 7 saw films, countless slasher movies and harrowing dramas like Irreversible. It takes a lot to shock people now days ( maybe my girlfriend is right and I am a robot with no feelings) but I kinda wasn’t.

The film needs the scene to justify how far our heroin goes in the second half of the movie and she does go quite far leading to some very elaborate deaths that would put saw to shame.

Sadly the film never quite makes it. First timer Sarah Butler carries off the victim very well selling it all the way. Its only until she turns vigilante that due to the script or just lack of ability on her part I. just couldn’t believe that she could do this.

I don’t wanna trash on the film to much because it does try to do what a remake should do. Try and expand upon the original themes and story. However the film does feel a bit to long spending more time then we’re used to in these types of films with the local hicks. So in conclusion this film does try and to some, who haven’t seen Saw 1 to 22 will be shocked.

The deaths are particularly good and well staged. But maybe to well considering that this is done by woman. The true horror fan will be left wanting and wondering why this has been remade. While it isn’t a complete loss the kills alone do make this worth checking out and over all aside form some pacing issues its well put together. It would seem this will eventually be seen by most people by chance one night really late on TV.

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Alton loves film. He is founder and Editor In Chief of BRWC.  Some of the films he loves are Rear Window, Superman 2, The Man With The Two Brains, Clockwise, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Trading Places, Stir Crazy and Punch-Drunk Love.

  • Edward 1st November 2013

    Have you seen I Spit On Your Grave 2? It’s a fantastic sequel to the 2010 remake, and the revenge scenes are even better!


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