Joel Fisher 644POSTS

Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.

Boris Karloff: The Man Behind the Monster - review

William Henry Pratt was born in England in the latter part of the 19th century. He grew up knowing that he looked different from


Camille Meadows (Suki Waterhouse) is a troubled teen, therefore the best thing to do with her is to send her to a girl’s boarding

Catch The Fair One

Kaylee (Kali Reis) is a former champion boxer who has seen better days. She had to stop boxing due to an injury and is

Old Windows Looks Great

Kerrie (Laura Bayston) owns a café, it’s a quiet place and as it’s nearing the end of the day and there aren’t any customers

Exorcist Vengeance: Review

Father Jozsef (Robert Bronzi) has a troubled past. He’s done some terrible things in the name of the church and he has demons he