Paulie Go! – Review

Paulie Go (Ethan Dizon) is very proud of his intellect and he feels that he has a very important place in the future of the world. He’s a very determined young man and knows exactly how he’s going to get to where he needs to be and nobody is going to stop him.

So, when he gets a rejection letter from a world-renowned robotics lab, he sets out to find the professor in charge of the lab to get answers as to why he was turned down.

Along the way he meets Sheriff Anderson (David Theune) and his daughter, Avery (Madison Wolfe) who spends her time making fishing videos for social media. Paulie is a man on a mission though, so seizing his chance he convinces Avery to help him achieve his goals.

Paulie Go! is a charming coming of age comedy about teenage life, friendships and being socially awkward. Both Dizon and Wolfe have a good on-screen chemistry and Dizon gives a particularly charming, but awkward performance as the socially inept title character.

There’s a certain formula to films like Paulie Go! though and for some there may be a bit of predictability as the two leads meet. However, there is just enough subversion of the usual tropes which makes Paulie Go! a refreshing take on a tried and tested genre.

Starting out in the usual manner, the audience is introduced to Paulie and the audience may think that they know where his story will take him. However, through some careful storytelling it may be able to keep the audience interested right to the end.

There is the issue of where the story goes however, and for some the direction it takes may seem a bit too far fetched for what they wanted. Although, if the audience just goes with the story, then they may find that themselves delightfully surprised. The characterisation may feel a little two dimensional from the leads at first, but the script rewards those who wait and don’t mind not having every detail told to them up front. Paulie Go! may just be the kind of film you need to lift your spirits.

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Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.


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