Terracotta VOD Service Launches

Terracotta VOD Service Launches

Terracotta Distribution launches the UK’s first Video On Demand (VOD) platform dedicated to East Asian cinema. The new streaming service will showcase a range of new and classic genre, arthouse and indie films from across East and South East Asia. The launch is being marked with a time-limited retrospective of highlights from the celebrated Terracotta Far East Film Festival, which was set up alongside the label.

Films are available on the platform to rent now, with plans to explore subscription and hybrid models in the near future. Terracotta Managing Director, Joey Leung, says: “We are so happy to have a streaming site purely for Asian film and really pleased with the mix of classics, emerging directors and new releases we’ve put together. We’re really excited to have the Festival Retrospective too, and we hope festival goers will love re-visiting some of their favourite films from past editions. There are so many amazing films coming out of Asia that really need to be seen but never make it over here due to inefficiencies in the system, and now we can help to match film to audience in a more direct way.”

As an introductory launch offer, a selection of titles will be available to rent for just £1 during the Black Friday weekend.

Content highlights include the ‘Japanese Evil Dead’ Bloody Muscle Body Builder In Hell, a collection of golden-age Jackie Chan films from the 80s and 90s and classics from the Korean New Wave never before released in the UK, including April Snow, Il Mare and Christmas in August.

Also on the Terracotta platform is an exclusive collection of films by Lee Sang-woo, an auteur director very much in the style of Kim Ki-duk, whose films deal with topics of society’s marginalised underclass, the same types of characters explored in Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite. Starting with his debut Tropical Manila, Terracotta are showcasing an exclusive selection of seven of his films.

With cinemas shut this is the perfect time to explore East Asian film from your own home– for less than the price of a coffee. 

The new VOD platform compliments Terracotta’s existing online store for Asian cinema on physical DVD and Blu-ray.

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Alton loves film. He is founder and Editor In Chief of BRWC.  Some of the films he loves are Rear Window, Superman 2, The Man With The Two Brains, Clockwise, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Trading Places, Stir Crazy and Punch-Drunk Love.


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