An enticing story, even more intriguing by the fact that it’s true – I am Michael directed by Justin Kelly is finally getting a theatrical release, three years after its Sundance premiere. James Franco (True Story, 127 Hours) plays Michael Glatze, a gay man in a loving partnership who continually reinterprets his Bible until one day, he truly finds God within. Of course, this leads to him renouncing his homosexuality, leaving his partner and eventually marrying a woman and becoming a pastor.
The story starts with Michael’s transformation, and he is seen in wide open spaces, taking in fresh air and bathing, trying to ‘cleanse’ himself while his tearful arguments with his on-screen partner Zachary Quinto (American Horror Story, Star Trek) take place in a darkly lit, claustrophobic room. This movie is sure to spark some vigorous debate over its message and morality – however, reviews of the release offer that apart from Franco, little nuance is present and the movie comes off too cold in its attempt to remain impartial to both sides.
For a meaningful, intimate journey on a night when you just want to curl up and feel – this is the movie for you!
I Am Michael is a 2015 American biographical drama film written and directed by Justin Kelly. Based on Benoit Denizet-Lewis’ New York Times Magazine article “My Ex-Gay Friend”,[2] the film stars James Franco, Zachary Quinto, Emma Roberts, and Charlie Carver. Franco plays Michael Glatze, a gay activist who renounces homosexuality and becomes a Christian pastor.[1] Filming ran in New York City from August 11 to August 30, 2014.
The film is scheduled to be released in a limited release and through video on demand on January 27, 2017, by Brainstorm Media.
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