BRWC Reviews: 3 Days In Auschwitz

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Directed by Phillipe Mora, 3 Days in Auschwitz is an incredibly personal film detailing Mora’s 3 visits to Auschwitz between 2010 and 2014 as he tries to answer the question…why?

A survivor of the atrocities of Auschwitz by one day, Mora’s mother is the inspiration for this film and the losses his family suffer only compound his curiosity. As we join Mora on his quest we’re taken on a personal journey that begins by mapping out by Mora’s own artistic creations before a series of family interviews transition into him finally reaching Auschwitz.

Displaying Mora’s soul and his art seems to be at the heart of this movie with very little focus on the events or even Auschwitz itself. The physical 3 days he spends in Auschwitz are very short, likely compounded by Mora not receiving permission to film on the site. Nonetheless, ultately I was left wanting for a little more information. It’s very difficult to be negative about such a personal film, but for me it didn’t work as a documentary and I was left a little bemused. Not only did I learn very little about the events that are being discussed, but I didn’t learn much about Mora or his family either. This piece appears to be focused on the confusion, doubt and conflicting emotions that grow from having family that suffered through these atrocities, but I found there to be more of a selfish influence on the film than a personal touch and I didn’t find it overly interesting. The most interesting portion of the film discusses an interview with a convicted Nazi official, but is short and itself doesn’t fit within the scope of the film.

In essence this looked and felt like a home movie. The expertly crafted soundtrack, even with the aid of Eric Clapton couldn’t rescue it for me. I’m sure Mora’s family will be filled with pride when watching this film, but unfortunately it didn’t translate into something that others will enjoy.

Hard to criticise for either its motivation or subject, but overall this isn’t a feature film for me, and although a true portrayal of Mora’s art and soul, its not very interesting to watch.

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