The Killage: Review

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THE KILLAGE (2011) Written and directed by Joe Bauer. A group of young employees are sent away for a nature break ‘team building’ vacation to get to know one another better and for the head of camp, Patrick, to choose a team leader for the company.

When a film is called The Killage, you have a pretty good idea of what to expect, but this no budget ‘n’ no brains Australian effort plumbs new depths of comedy horror ineptitude.

A bunch of offensive stereotypes (The Jock, The Goth, The Geek, The Gay, The Stoner, The Cheerleader etc…) go on a team-building retreat to the countryside and get picked off one by one by a psychopathic serial killer, because that’s what happens in horror films, obviously.

While The Killage may try to deflect criticism with pleas of parody and pastiche, the bottom line is that the films is, whether intentionally or not, utter shite.

It’s not like this stuff can’t be done well – for example, when it’s wickedly knowing (All Cheerleaders Die) or just dumb fun (Zombeavers) – but The Killage is a painfully unfunny failure across the board. Incompetent writing, direction and acting is inexplicably muddied further with the worst dubbing since that Ferrero Rocher ad.

This film is the cinematic equivalent of fake plastic dog poo.

THE KILLAGE (2011) Written and directed by Joe Bauer. A group of young employees are sent away for a nature break ‘team building’ vacation to get to know one another better and for the head of camp, Patrick, to choose a team leader for the company.

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