Did you first shop Hillbilly Horror Show around to TV networks? Or was it always intended as a web series?
Actually, it was intended for web as a means of gaining exposure. We wanted to retain control of the show, and the take it the direction we felt was best.
Fortunately for us, the show was well received, and Leomark Studios came on board. They really took it to the next level and got us set up with MVD Entertainment Group to release on DVD. We’re also on Roku via Tubi TV, TheHorrorShow.TV in the UK, and BoxTV in India, and will be adding even more platforms before the end of the year.
Volume 1 releases October 21st in numerous major retailers, including: Amazon, Best Buy, Fry’s Electronics, Barnes & Noble, Kmart, Bull Moose, Midtown Comics, GoHastings.com, and many others!
How much creative control do you have on the show?
Blu de Golyer and I pretty much try to split duties. We both have responsibilities in setting up each shoot, as far as logistics go. On the creative end it’s a collaborative effort. We discuss details, and then Blu handles writing the frame story for the episode, along with production design. Once that’s complete, I handle getting the cast prepped & rehearsed, and handle a lot of day-to-day issues/adjustments on set.
Do you select the short films that play on the show?
Well, everyone on the show assists in finding films; whether it’s through industry friends, festivals, or just searching the internet. Also, having a well-known horror reviewer in the cast doesn’t hurt! Scott sends a lot of films our way for consideration. We get everyone’s input and then Blu & I make the final call on what to include.
Have you known Rachel and Scott for quite a while, or were you thrown together by the producers?
I’d known Scott for a little while prior. He had interviewed me, and done a review of my upcoming film, THE CABINING, which releases on DVD November 18th. We hit it off, stayed in touch, and had been looking for a project to work on together. When Blu suggested him for the role of “Cephus”, it was a no brainer.
Rachel I met during the casting process. I reached out to my friend, Sheri Bias, at Liquid Talent, with the role of of “Lulu”. She recommended Rachel, and had her tape an audition. The second I watched it, I said, “That’s our Lulu.” Rachel was perfect!
Is it all at all unconfortmable for you guys to be working with the delightful-looking Rachel Faulkner – especially in her various states of undress?
Man, it’s a really tough job, but someone has to do it! Scott & I see it as “taking one for the team”!
All kidding aside, the only uncomfortable part was the first time I had to discuss wardrobe with Rachel. I could not have been more nervous, because the last thing I wanted was to come across like a perv! She was completely cool through the whole thing; a real pro. Now, it’s just another day at the office, and Rachel is a great sport about everything.
I’d be a total liar though if I said it wasn’t enjoyable!
How does your partner – assuming you’ve got one – feel about you spending your days with ‘Lulu’?
Well, I was married when we first started the show, but she always knew work was work, so it wasn’t a big deal. Now that I’m not married, I get a lot of strange looks from women. Then again, that may have nothing to do with Rachel.
I take it there’s lots of laughs on the set – is there a blooper reel on the DVD?
Oh, the set is a riot. The cast, the crew, everyone – we’re cracking up all the time! Volume 1 is very basic, but there are plenty of bloopers and gag reels that will be included on future volumes. We’ve also got several behind the scenes bonuses and interviews coming soon too.
What encompasses the DVD? Where does it differ from what’s online?
Well, there’s no difference in the content. However, I’ve watched it on DVD, on the big screen, and you really have to see it that way. It gives you a greater appreciation for the films and their details; it’s well worth the money for that reason alone. You just can’t get that from watching it online.
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