Alexy Likey Gondry

Study 1: The Science Of Sleep

It is an engaging love affair of a film which masterfully fulfills the subconscious mind from a dreams versus reality set up.
Creatively playing out what is actually thought, including: Fears of rejection, love, random ideas and sex (to name a few). It is a battle within ones self to try and embrace love instead of being scared of the consequences.
There’s an array of emotions that tactfully embodies Stephane (the immense Gael Garcia Bernal), such as the drowning in jealously. A natural reaction everyone goes through the initial stages of caring for someone. Embracing his darkest fears of rejection is an example of this is the confusion of love. Ah, love. Wonderful love. Horrible, sickly depressing, beautiful love that makes you fly through erratic emotions like you have never done before.
At points it makes us think about what’s happening, is it real or imagination?

The creative connection with the main characters Stephane (the immense Gael Garcia Bernal) and Stephanie (Charlotte Gainsbourgh) is charmingly fun-filled, watching them both spark of each others thoughts. You realise they bounce of each other as they begin to remember specifically what each other says. That connection of feelings explodes to the point where you can see them enjoying each others company.

Gondry portrays a feeling of growth upon returning to the room Stephane grew up in as a child, that sense of outgrowing your environment yet, remembering the imagination that helped him grow.

The cinematography works so very well weather it is mixing in the crochet surroundings, playing with the mis-en-scène to show the viewer each dream, random thought, memory or idea.

Reminiscent of that of Being John Malkovich strange characters Serge (Sacha Bourdo) and Martine (Aurelia Petit) pop up. Plus the exceptional performance of Guy (Alain Chabat), a maverick middle aged man with experience and bluntness.

Guy: “I saw an old man smiling in the park sitting down; you know what he was thinking about?”

Stephane: “His grand children?”

Guy: “Don’t answer if you don’t know the question! I know what the old man was thinking about, it was all the dirty things he did as a young man.”

A charming culmination of emotion, artistic talent and the creative imagination of a genuine artist extraordinaire.

Viva Michel Gondry.

© BRWC 2010.

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Alton loves film. He is founder and Editor In Chief of BRWC.  Some of the films he loves are Rear Window, Superman 2, The Man With The Two Brains, Clockwise, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Trading Places, Stir Crazy and Punch-Drunk Love.



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