Even though it might not be immediately apparent, Andrew Niccol is responsible for some of the most innovative and intelligent concept movies made in the last 20 years.  The Truman Show, his script directed by Peter Weir, has to be high in the running for the most prophetic and dead


Robots have always made for fascinating and iconic movie characters. Like aliens, robots' innate status as something ultimately 'other' than ourselves, yet often displaying recognisably human emotions through the lens of robotic metaphors or principles, make them endlessly compelling to watch. Whether it's the psychotic machismo of the Terminator, the


Veteran film producer To (Chapman To) addresses a room for of know-it-all students, through flashback we see his struggles to get his most recent film made. Along the way he makes dodgy deals with eccentric crime boss, has sexual encounters with attractive women and donkies and navigates his way through