The King Of Pigs (Dwae-ji-ui wang) is an ultra-violent Korean animation set in a high-school world in which rich "dogs" rule over the "pigs". The film is directed by Yeun Sang-ho and stars the voices of familiar Korean actors, Yang Ik-june and Kim Kkobbi from the internationally acclaimed Breathless. A festival favourite, this


Silvermask Productions and North Shore Pictures have teamed up to produce director Michael Anton’s Nikola Tesla movie "The Mad Scientist". The film is set to shoot in Pittsburgh in late August of this year. After weeks of anticipation Michael Anton has selected Serbian actor, Branko Tomovic to play Nikola Tesla


Internationally recognised as one of the world’s most highly regarded and successful launch pads for genre movies, the UK’s leading genre event, SCI-FI-LONDON, has now taken its own giant step into world of movie production with the crowd-funded sci-fi comedy feature, The Search For Simon, directed by Martin Gooch (Death)