Alex Secker 184POSTS

Alex Secker is a writer/director/editor. His debut feature film, the micro-budget thriller Follow the Crows, won Best Independent Film at the Global Film Festival Awards, while his stage-play, The Door, won the People’s Choice Award at the 2017 Swinge Festival.

I never bothered to watch Now You See Me when it was first released to cinemas back in 2013. It looked kind of naff,

Ferris, Hustlers, In Fear: Quarantine Streaming

Ferris, Hustlers, In Fear: Quarantine Streaming - So, we’re all trapped inside during this terrible pandemic. Indeed, I have found myself trapped inside a

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Doctor Strange: The BRWC Review

Strange, Cruise, Pine: Weekly Round Up - Alright all you cool cats and kittens, we’ll kick this week’s weekly round-up off with all the

Harmon, Gunn, Hellraiser: Weekly Round Up

Most of you probably know Dan Harmon for his work on the incredibly successful and popular animated sci-fi comedy show Rick & Morty, or

Rick and Morty

Rick, Morty, Marvel: Weekly Round Up - With the Coronavirus crisis still upending big portions of the world, and putting a halt on any