Rosalynn Try-Hane 288POSTS

Ros is as picky about what she watches as what she eats. She watches movies alone and dines solo too (a new trend perhaps?!). As a self confessed scaredy cat, Ros doesn’t watch horror films, even Goosebumps made her jump in parts!

Chuck Steel - Night Of The Trampires: Review

Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires is a wacky, refreshingly different, comedy horror stop motion film that will keep you entertained right until the

A Brixton Tale

A Brixton Tale takes a while to find its stride, but when it does it becomes a relentless and compelling tale of love, racism


Babyteeth is a coming of age story with teeth, pun intended. It is a surprising and striking directorial debut film by Shannon Murphy based

Judy And Punch

Judy and Punch is a curious film. It's the reimagining of the quite problematic childhood puppet show some of us will remember, Punch and

Emma: The BRWC Review

This latest adaptation of Emma. directed by Autumn de Wilde should be viewed as Austen for the Instagram generation heavily filtered. Emma (Anya Taylor-Joy) is