Megan Williams 338POSTS

Megan’s taste in films are interesting: her favourite films are ‘Space Jam’, Studio Ghibli’s ‘The Cat Returns’, as well as horror films ‘Saw’, ‘Drag Me To Hell’ and ‘Ju-On: The Grudge’. When she’s not watching films, she’ll be spending precious hours playing ‘Crash Bandicoot’.

Jacob's Ladder (2019)

Trailer Talk: Jacob's Ladder (2019). By Megan Williams. By now, remakes have become the norm, and I’m no longer surprised or shocked by the

Mulan: Live-Action Remake - Disney+ Talk

Mulan: Megan Williams' Trailer Talk Disney are currently on an unstoppable run of live action remakes; classics like Aladdin, The Lion King and Cinderella have

Jumanji: The Next Level

Jumanji: The Next Level - Megan Williams' Trailer Talk Arguably the biggest surprise film of 2017 was ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’, a sequel to

The Banana Splits Movie

Trailer Talk: The Banana Splits Movie  I rarely use the phrase ‘childhood ruined’

doctor sleep

Trailer Talk: Doctor Sleep If you thought 2019 wasn't getting enough Stephen King film adaptations with ‘Pet Semetary' and ‘IT: Chapter 2’ then, don't worry, because