Joel Fisher 659POSTS

Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.

Mad God

Far beyond the sky, a diving bell descends down into the land. Out steps a man with layers of protective clothing, searching for something.

Theo And The Metamorphosis: Review

Theo or TO (Theo Kermel) as he likes to call himself lives with his father, who he refers to as la père (Pierre Meunier)

Acid Test

Jenny (Juliana Destefano) is an intelligent girl with a bright future ahead of her and has set her sights on going to Harvard. She’s


Paulie Go (Ethan Dizon) is very proud of his intellect and he feels that he has a very important place in the future of

Roving Woman

Sara (Lena Gora) has been kicked out of her house after a massive argument which continues on the street. Clearly not taking no for