BRWC: battleroyalewithcheese 1949POSTS

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC I Just Fucked With The Wrong Mexican, And I LOVED It... A Review Of Robert Rodriguez's 'Machete'

I was one of the eleven people who saw the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez homage to B Movies Extravaganza 'Grindhouse' on opening day. I LOVED

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC BRWC is 2: Halloween, Every Film

My fourth and final BRWC 2nd Anniversary Post, and it's a big one! Every Halloween Film, parts 1-10 Dissected. (I'll get to the Friday

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC BRWC is 2: Killer on the Road, A Novel by James Ellroy

My third BRWC 2nd Anniversary Piece! "A brilliant, twisted mind driven by a heart of blackest evil. A mad genius coming of age in a

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC BRWC is 2: The Fame by Lady Gaga

Here goes my second BRWC 2nd Anniversary post, and it's a "hip", "timely" one

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC BRWC is 2: An Encounter with William Shatner (A True Story)

In celebratory honor of Battle Royale With Cheese's Two Year Anniversary Spectacular, I decided to do 4 great big postings! Starting with this deeply