BRWC: battleroyalewithcheese 1973POSTS

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Review: The Host

Even though it might not be immediately apparent, Andrew Niccol is responsible for some of the most innovative and intelligent concept movies made in

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Robot And Frank - Review

Robots have always made for fascinating and iconic movie characters. Like aliens, robots' innate status as something ultimately 'other' than ourselves, yet often displaying

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Vulgaria - Review

Veteran film producer To (Chapman To) addresses a room for of know-it-all students, through flashback we see his struggles to get his most recent

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Reincarnated - Review

When news first hit the gossip columns that Calvin Broadus, aka Snoop Dogg, had embarked on a journey of self-discovery to Jamaica and returned

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Gettin' Some: It's Taken Some Time

There are two kinds of movies in this world: ones that stink and ones that don’t. Well, that’s not entirely true, but it is