Dark Glasses: Review

Dark Glasses: Review

Diana (Illenia Pastorelli) is a prostitute with a long list of clients. She’s very good at what she does and she takes no nonsense from anybody who wants more than she offers. However, one night as she turns down a man’s advances, he gets especially angry and chases Diana in her car and she gets into an accident. Waking up in hospital she is told that she’s blind due to brain damage and will have to get used to her new life.

In the car that she hit were a family and the only survivor was a little boy called Chin (Andrea Zhang), Diana wants to get in touch and say how sorry she feels. However, when she meets him, she can’t bring herself to tell him what happened and feeling guilty she takes Chin in to look after him.

Then one day the police come over as they believe that she is keeping the child in hiding, but Diana soon realises that her life may still be in danger.

Dark Glasses is a horror movie coming to Shudder directed by the visionary Dario Argento. However, much like the protagonist it seems that Argento’s vision has left him a long time ago. Once considered to be the father of horror, Argento is now churning out horror movies and once in a while they get picked up purely because of his name.

It seems that Argento is also running out of ideas because Dark Glasses is based on a script that was canned twenty years ago. However, even that long ago a movie such as this would have made Argento a laughing stock, degrading of a man whose name means so much to so many.

There is simply nothing original or engaging in Dark Glasses as every tired cliché gets done over and over again. Something which many fans of Argento’s would have resigned themselves to seeing long ago, but to still have no passion for an art that was his playground is a tragedy.

Save yourself the horror of watching a man’s work dry up and watch some of his more admired work instead.

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Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.


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