Sensation: Review

Sensation: Review

Sensation: Review. By Jake Peffer.

It is a rare feat to watch a movie fail to execute its ambitions at almost every twist and turn. Unfortunately, that is the case for Sensation. While it has a somewhat interesting premise it constantly gets bogged down by convoluting the story throughout and spending too much time making you wonder is this really happening or is it an altered reality. Eventually it just gets to the point where you couldn’t care anymore and you’re just ready to see the conclusion.

We follow Andrew, who is brought into a top-secret agency where he entered a government program that tracks the human senses. He learns that himself and a small group of others contain superhuman skills involving their sense and the ability to control the senses of others. They are put through numerous different scenarios triggering all their senses. It gets to where Andrew starts to struggle with reality as his emotions are being tested to the point of him losing all control of his surroundings.

On paper this story probably sounded like a decent idea. You take these people who have superhuman abilities, you put them together and run outlandish tests on them to see who has the will to last. It gets very reminiscent of movies like the X-Men series and even has hints of The Matrix as well. The problem here is when you take that interesting premise and don’t really know what you want to do with it. Director Martin Grof never feels like he has any kind of grasp on this movie. Once they start doing the tests on the characters Grof continually keeps shoving down your throat the question, is this real or is it not? After so many times of jumping from one thing to another and never getting enough time to breathe in between to even have a thought on what’s real and what’s not it just becomes unbearable. 

The cast here is no help at all as none of them are even remotely memorable. For a movie that plays a lot with emotions it’s hard to believe how emotionless they make these characters. It is so hard to root for anybody here. Other than Andrew you really don’t get learn much about anyone else and then none of them give you anything redeemable about themselves to make you care for them at all. Why should I care what happens to any of these characters if none of them give me anything to like about them?

While this starts with an interesting premise it doesn’t take long for Sensation to lose steam. Too many twists and turns make things hard to follow and confusing. This entire cast feels like they are sleepwalking through this whole movie. The director just doesn’t seem like he knows what route he wants to take things and it really shows. Unfortunately, I can’t recommend this one when there are so many better options with similar stories.

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