Blood Born: Review

Blood Born

Makayla (Rosie Moss) and Eric (Antoine Perry) have been trying hard for a baby. They’ve suffered great loss while going through the process of pregnancy, but now they feel that they’ve come to an impasse. Then one day Rosie’s friend, Cherise (Laurine Price) tells her about a foundation that helped her sister get pregnant and that they should consider getting in touch.

So, after an initial meeting, Makayla and Eric welcome Ola (Melanie Haynes) into their home as they prepare for their new bundle of joy. However, there’s something not quite right about Ola and her methods, and after a while Eric becomes suspicious that there’s something sinister going on.

Blood Born is a tongue in cheek horror about the troubles with getting pregnant and the worries that come with expecting a new child. The film is the kind of horror where the audience knows all too well that if it were them, as soon as Ola turned up then she’d be out the door. However, the film knowingly plays into the tropes of films like Rosemary’s Baby and has fun with them.

In fact, the more that Ola tells them to do and the longer it goes on for without Eric being concerned makes it all the funnier, seeing as the audience knows that when he does, it’s far too late. Also, the fact that the audience doesn’t know the baby’s true form, keeps the audience guessing as to where it could be going and what exactly is growing inside Makayla.

The cast all do a great job and are perfectly cast, with the film setting all the players in place so the audience may know what to expect. So, if you’re not looking for anything too deep or surprising then Blood Born may be the genre horror for you. Also, the special effects and the depth into which the script deals with mixing the medical and the supernatural may raise a few smiles among parents.

The final act does get a little too serious though and when the film seems to throw away its parody, then it does seem to lose something.

However, for the most part Blood Born is a fun and sly wink at the demonic possession subgenre of horror. 

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Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.