Low is a short film written and directed by Daniel Bogran. When he learns that he is getting fired from his job, Jef (Vincent Cusimano) decides that he has no other option but to rob a local convenience store.
Jef gets to the store with a balaclava and a gun in his hand and goes through with the robbery. However, when something goes wrong, Jef is left to deal with the repercussions of his actions and starts to think about the full consequences that have come from his actions.
Given its short running time and strict time frame of barely ten minutes, Daniel Bogran is able to tell a story and a complete arc which may leave the audience with questions after it has run its course. The tight editing helps to bring out the audience’s imagination, as they are never really told what is running through Jef’s mind after the incident. However, with a few words and carefully thought out shots, Bogran is able to put the audience in Jef’s shoes and perhaps even make them think about what they would do if it were them.
Although Jef has been made redundant, he still remains well dressed and looks after his appearance so it is left up to the audience to decide whether Jef has any remorse for his actions or whether he feels anything at all. If Jef were not so well groomed then perhaps the audience may pass a harsher judgement on Jef and I believe that is what Bogran intended from his short story.
Leaving Cusimano with so little to say also leaves the audience wondering what he is thinking, leaving the ending open to interpretation. It could even be suggested that the audience would subconsciously feel a further need to project their own feelings on to Jef as they start to imagine how they would feel in his position.
Low is a story that can be open to many different points of view and I’m sure every person who watches it will have their own ideas of Jef’s feelings and what he may do next. Whatever the outcome of Jef’s actions, the film never judges him and lets the audience decide, and telling this kind of complex story in such a short time with so little dialogue shows that Bogran may have a bright future in storytelling.
How complicated Bogran’s stories are could always be left up to the audience to decide.
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