Dead to the World, a short film directed by Freddie Hall, is the humorous story of three people brought together in unforeseen circumstances, all trying to navigate their way through a film shoot and hold onto their jobs. Craig Parkinson plays a troubled actor who has a history of alcoholism. Ben (Johnny Sweet) has been hired as his sobriety coach, employed to make sure he stays sober throughout the shoot, whilst at the same time keeping him away from the directors wife, Emily Tennison (Susan Lynch). Things don’t go to plan on either front, and things come to blows on the last day of shooting. All three characters scrabble around desperately to try and get through this final hurdle.
What is interesting about this film is the way in which the characters of Ben and James are brought together. They are polar opposites of each other, Ben being the sweet, geeky guy who seems to have it all together, whereas James is the stereotypical ‘difficult’ actor, who can’t seem to deny himself anything. In a tender moment, the pair sit in an empty bath tub together, whilst James swigs from a bottle of wine, and open up to each other about their shared label of ‘alcoholic’.
The rest of the time the film is amusing, it is well cast and enjoyable. There are touching aspects as well as funny jokes. The cinematography is professional and the script impressive, layering the characters well in the short space of time. It’s a good 15 minutes of English wit and humour, with a couple of heart-warming moments in there too. Special shout out to Johnny Sweet, who plays Ben incredibly convincingly and loveably.
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