Scream Queens

Scream Queens

Scream Queens is an American horror comedy anthology television series created by Ryan MurphyBrad Falchuk and Ian Brennan. This show is the newest in a recently long list of TV horror shows such as American Horror StoryBates Motel and MTV’s Scream to name a few.

The show premiered in the states on Fox on September 22, 2015.

Co-creator Ryan Murphy spoke of the shows development,

“Brad and Ian and I, all three of us, were always obsessed with the ’80s/early ’90s slasher genre that was always about young people and always about coming of age. So we loved that and we decided to sort of be inspired by that idea. That was sort of the impetus of it”.

Murphy has stated that every episode a cast member will be killed off, saying,

“It’s very much like Ten Little Indians. There’s a real tune-in factor because it’s like, Who’s going to be picked off this week? And also who is the killer? Every episode, you get clues as to who the killer is going to be and then all of these clues accumulate.”

The series will not be completely anthological in nature with Murphy stating,

“Whoever survives—and there will be people who will survive—they will go on next season to a new location and a new terror. Unlike [Murphy and Falchuk’s other like series] American Horror Story, which completely reboots, this has some of the continuity in that some of the characters and some of the relationships continue into a new world.”

The first season is centered on a series of murders involving the Kappa Kappa Tau sorority. The shows cast is a mix of celebrity cameos (including Nick Jonas), rising stars and some favourites from both the horror genre and Murphy/Falchuk’s past ensembles (Lea Michele from Glee).

Horror movie icon Jamie Lee Curtis portrays stone faced Dean Cathy Munsch. Its highly ironic that Jamie Lee is staring in a TV show titled Scream Queens as she herself is described highly in the horror community as one of the first Scream Queens following her roles in horror cult hits such as Halloween and Prom Night. And not forgetting she comes from horror royalty as her mum Janet Leigh starred in Hitchcock’s 1960’s Psycho which founded the slasher genre and who could forget the infamous shower scene!!!!

All this being said Scream Queens has surprisingly not set american viewing figures alight with reports surfacing that the show could be at risk of cancelation. Hopefully this wont be the case and Scream Queens will run as long as other horror shows such as Bates Motel which has been renewed until 2017.

Only time will tell in the case of Scream Queens and the mysteries at Kappa Kappa Tau.

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Ben started out as a technology blogger before branching out into writing about Film & TV. An obsessive fan of indie film & dark comedies you will probably find him waxing lyrical about the movies of Kevin Smith, The Coen Brothers, Robert Rodriguez or Quentin Tarantino.


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