Crowd funding has become the norm for indie film-makers to get an often needed cash boost to help push their fictional narrative babies into production and on to the big screen. Quickly becoming a successful method to put heaps of cash into the mitts of a producer, it’s great exposure for hugely talented teams to realise their vision and make something of value that isn’t filmed on your Dad’s camcorder with special effects that can’t even rival a film from the 1920s.
Oliver Crawford’s short film Evolutionary is one such project, and with only a few days left to go on its Indiegogo push for some funds, you should all definitely get involved and help get this awesome sounding Sci-Fi/Horror short flick made.
Taking cues from old school Science Fiction, Evolutionary is essentially the opening to what Oliver hopes to develop into a full blown feature film. Taking place in an abandoned warehouse, an elite special forces team track a vigilante alien terrorist and move in for the kill. Their only problem? The creature they set out to hunt is now hunting them.
Releasing some serious concept artwork and promising a film that pushes the boundaries of short film making, Evolutionary certainly is an interesting sounding project and one I’ll definitely be keeping my beady, sci-fi loving eyes on. You can contribute to the project here. So instead of throwing some coin at the successful writer/director making a vanity project, *cough* Zach Braff *cough*, help out the guys who need it and support British independent film making.
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