Sorry about the lack of posts recently, been real busy with work. Hopefully it will settle down from Monday.Here is Jo Mahoney's review of Fantastic Mr. Fox.Do you have a review you want to text me?Email me first and I may give you my number
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus **½Terry Gilliam is a cursed movie director for whom things always seem to go wrong - production on his Don Quixote film collapsed completely with the film failing to get made, he experienced so much stress while filming Brazil that he temporarily lost the use
Couples Retreat **
Just five years ago (oh my, hasn’t time flown by) Vince Vaughn was being hailed by both film critics and moviegoers alike as the next big thing in comedy with films like Dodgeball and Wedding Crashers being both critical and commercial successes, and
Up 3D *****Up 2D *****2009 has been another huge year for computer animation, with most of the major animation studios having adopted 3D into the production and exhibition of their movies. But what everyone has really been waiting for is the release of Pixar’s first 3D movie (well not those
Love Happens **½
Movie trailers can be very deceptive, can’t they? Take Love Happens for example, a film which on the basis of the trailer looked to be a very promising and charming, if somewhat unoriginal, romantic drama that would be certain to