Source Code ****½ One of a number of British directors to break out in a big way in the last few years, Duncan Jones – who many may still think of as the son of David and Angela Bowie – made his breakthrough back in 2009 with Moon, a science
Sucker Punch *** The success of 300 back in 2007 has earned director Zack Snyder a lot of good will with the execs at Warner Brothers Pictures, good will that has translated into a level of creative indulgence that only Christopher Nolan has also been granted by the studio heads
Hop *** Last year newcomer production company Illumination Entertainment stormed onto the CG animation scene in a big way with their first film, Despicable Me, which proved to be both a huge winner at the box office and a strong performer with critics as well as providing a much needed
Play Time(U), 120 mins, 1967, FranceDir: Jacques TatiScr: Jacques Tati & Jacques LagrangeStarring: Jacques TatiNot really a film of plot, more of a series of unfortunate events. Jacques Tati's world-famous creation Mr. Hulot continues his 'whacky' adventures through modern life. Split into set-pieces involving a trade exhibition, an office building,
Faster *** When he first made the transition from wrestling to acting with his bit part in The Mummy Returns back in 2001, Dwayne Johnson, then going by his wrestling name The Rock, appeared to have a very promising career as an action star ahead of him. While his first