Directed by Phillipe Mora, 3 Days in Auschwitz is an incredibly personal film detailing Mora's 3 visits to Auschwitz between 2010 and 2014 as he tries to answer the question
By Last Caress.
Holy Top Ten, BRWC! Concluding our rundown of thirty Batman/Superman movies, ranked in order from worst to first (Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE):
10. Batman Returns (Burton, 1992)
The outstanding picture of the Burton/Schumacher cycle sees Danny DeVito hit all of the tragic, comic and terrifying notes in his
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Last Caress, continuing our BRWC rundown of thirty Batman/Superman movies, ranked in order from worst to first (Part 1 HERE) :
20. Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman (Geda, 2003)
Falling squarely into the good-not-great bin of mediocrity, Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman sees
Imagine you woke up in an underground bunker, injured, dazed and handcuffed to the wall. Then a strange man comes in and tells you that the world as you know it is over and he has saved you from the apocalypse. By now you’d probably be freaking out. This is
By Last Caress.
BRWC tasked mild-mannered reporter Last Caress with donning some tights, boots, cape and cowl - which for reasons not made entirely clear he happened to have on his person at the time - flying out into the cosmos and training his powers of super-criticism on as many Batman/Superman-headed