In late 2007, filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost sensed a story unfolding as they began to film the life of Ariel’s brother, Nev. They had no idea that their project would lead to the most exhilarating and unsettling months of their lives. A reality thriller that is


Indie Movies Online are proud to have started a fantastic, new selection of fresh J-Horror titles. There are some killer films here and many of them have only very recently been released. You can be guaranteed a whole load of blood and action. Expect to see more imagination in these


Relativity Media has acquired Overture Films' distribution and marketing operation from Starz LLC in a move that transforms Relativity into a full-fledged studio.Two-thirds of Overture's staff "or 45 employees" will make the move to Relativity, including top execs Peter Adee and Kyle Davies. They will retain their titles, with Adee