Takashi Miike, the director responsible for such uncompromising and unforgettable movies as Audition and Ichi The Killer indelibly stamps his trademark style on the Samurai genre with the ultra-violent, all-action, blood-spattered epic, 13 Assassins. One of the most prolific, wildly unpredictable and controversial directors in cinema, here Miike reinvents himself once


The follow up to Universal’s film dance sensation, the legacy of legendary dancer and choreographer Honey Daniels lives on in spirited 17-year-old Maria Bennett (Katerina Graham). After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance


Check out Going Somewhere, directed by Alan Lyddiard.  Click here for the facebook page.A filmmaker travels to the Philippines to make a documentary about Ferdinand Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world. As he searches for the story he becomes sucked into an unfamiliar culture and the temptations of a world


Above is the trailer for Lovely, Still.  It's directed by Nicholas Fackler and unites of two Oscar winning veterans in an enchanting fairy tale of late blossoming love and loss.Martin Landau (North By Northwest; Crimes and Misdemeanors; Ed Wood; TV's Mission Impossible) plays the gentle hearted Robert Malone who learns to fall in