Alton Williams 5447POSTS

Alton loves film. He is founder and Editor In Chief of BRWC.  Some of the films he loves are Rear Window, Superman 2, The Man With The Two Brains, Clockwise, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Trading Places, Stir Crazy and Punch-Drunk Love.

You lucky, lucky people. You're drowning in new poster goodness today here at BRWC. Here are two new posters for the upcoming Transformers 2: Revenge


Thank you to MoviesOnline for this


I'm liking these three new posters promoting Baz Luhrmann's new flick. I found them here. They suggest a feeling in the same vain as Gone


JustPressPlay is where I found this gem. You might have heard of the Hitchcock/Truffaut book, a remarkable book-length interview where François Truffaut interviewed Alfred. Tom


Below are two one-sheet posters for the Saw V blood drive. In this fifth installment of the franchise, Hoffman is seemingly the last person