Joel Fisher 650POSTS

Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.


Sharyn Berkley (Ashlynn Yennie) lives with her daughter and her husband in the bliss of a loving family. Then one day she experiences stomach


Sam (Sam Retford) is a teenage boy having trouble with his mother, she always takes him for granted and makes him feel like he’s


In a dystopian near future, two men travel in their van where they pick up dead bodies that they find. To pass the time

Duty Free

Sian-Pierre Regis grew up with his mother and his little brother in an apartment that was only ever meant for one. Regis’s mother worked

Servants: Review

In 1980 Czechoslovakia was under Communist rule and the state were the ones that sanctioned every little detail of people’s lives. Michael and Juraj