Joel Fisher 650POSTS

Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.


August (Ronan Colfer) and Reed (Dylan Grunn) are brothers, estranged after the events of World War One, they try to reconnect, but it seems

Eye Without A Face

Henry (Dakota Shapiro) is lonely and struggles with anxiety issues brought on by childhood trauma from an abusive father. His roommate, Eric (Luke Cook)

The Boy Behind The Door: Review

Bobby (Lonnie Chavis) and Kevin (Ezra Dewey) are best friends. They spend a lot of time together and are practically inseparable, then one day

The Return

Roger Emmerlich (Richard Harmon) is coming home after the death of his father. He’s not had a great childhood and there are bits he

How To Deter A Robber

Madison Williams (Vanessa Marano) is the youngest in her family and she’s feeling unappreciated. Her mother, Charlotte (Gabrielle Carteris) is hyper critical of her