BRWC: battleroyalewithcheese 2002POSTS

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.

David: The BRWC Review. By Alif Majeed. You got to hand it to Will Ferrell as from time to time, he does attempts to


Synchronic: The BRWC Review. By Luke Foulder-Hughes. Synchronic was the first film from Moorhead & Benson that I have seen. Having heard great things

Little Fish: Review

Little Fish: Review. By Alif Majeed. Sci-fi movies, especially ones where something causes huge worldwide chaos, has become a mainstay of the genre. An

Dead Man's Shoes

Dead Man's Shoes: Review. By Luke Foulder-Hughes. Dead Man’s Shoes is a film about an ex soldier returning to his hometown to seek revenge

Moloka’i Bound

Moloka’i Bound: Review. By Liam Trump. The simplistic nature that many short films are able to achieve always amazes me. It’s a natural atmosphere