BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.
Bowing out of Directorial duties in "X Men: Days Of Future Past" to helm another of Comic scribe Mark Millar's titles, we were hoping
Ok, so there was this film out last year called "The Babbadook", it masqueraded for all intents and purposes as a common garden variety
“…wind up peeking through her keyhole down upon your knees…” A Review of director Dammie Akinmola’s BOARD TO DEATH by Pablo D'Stair For my money, director Dammie Akinmola’s
Loosely based on a true story, Electric Slide tells the story of Eddie Dodson (Jim Sturgess), an in-debt furniture salesman and ladies-man in 80's
This initially promising, if unexceptional, zombie doc loses the plot by its conclusion, once it veers away from the films that sparked the zombie