BRWC: battleroyalewithcheese 2010POSTS

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC An Interview With Michael Fassbender

By Rüdiger Sturm. Michael Fassbender is about to embark on another major project, translating the Assassin’s Creed video game from digital phenomenon to live-action blockbuster. In

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC The BRWC Review: Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is the first instalment in the Fantastic Beasts series which will include another 4 films.  The films

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Films To Look Forward To In 2017

Next year in movies is shaping up to be quite great. Skeptical? Check out our list of The films to look forward to in

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Sully: The BRWC Review

By James Connors. There's no doubt that Clint Eastwood's late life directing career is unpredictable, with 'Gran Torino' and 'American Sniper' hitting both ends of

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Star Wars: Rogue One And The Fate Of The Solo Movies

Perhaps more importantly, where has Star Wars BEEN this time around? Filming has been taking place in exotic locations around the globe and if