BRWC: battleroyalewithcheese 2010POSTS

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.

Wonder Woman 2017

By Jess Devonport. For years, Joss Whedon’s uncommissioned Wonder Woman script was a parable of the internet, proof that Hollywood was trying marginalise female superheroes.

A Good Day to Die: Hoka Hey

By Last Caress. A Good Day to Die: Hoka Hey, the documentary by Harold Monfils chronicling the work of war photographer Jason P. Howe begins

Heard still

By Orla Smith. Blaring ambulance sirens set the tone for Heard, a London-based religious short that plays more like a music video, or one of

Limbo image

By Orla Smith. From the very first frames of Limbo, director Will Blank asks you to look closer. He holds on the sky just long enough

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC Review: Non essere cattivo (Don't Be Bad)

By Last Caress. Cesare (Luca Marinelli) and Vittorio (Alessandro Borghi) are a pair of twentysomething best friends, dancing, dealing, snorting and brawling their way around