BRWC: battleroyalewithcheese 1954POSTS

BRWC is short for battleroyalewithcheese, which is a blog about films.


By Last Caress. Detectives Rebecca Faraway (Sarah Beck Mather) and Eli Smith (Andonis Anthony) are attending a crime scene on their patch of greater London.

Robot And Scarecrow

By Marti Dols Roca. His breakout film Robots of Brixton became viral and that was all but a surprise; considering how mesmerizingly beautiful, thought provoking

photo of Elle

Since the cinema experience was created in the late 19th century, the urge to thrill, shock and test audience boundaries has always been apparent.

Star Wars - Episode IX

By Orla Smith. I saw The Book of Henry. If that sentence fills you with dread, or pity, or a desire to burst out laughing, then

film reviews | movies | features | BRWC How Gambling Is Pictured In Film

Tom Moyse, from online casino comparison site, talks about what key factors make for a blockbuster gambling film. Casino, Ocean’s Eleven, 21, Fear and