Reed’s Point: Review

Reed's Point: Review

Sarah (Sasha Anne), Alex (Evan Adams) and Kelsey (Madison Ekstrand) couldn’t be closer and they love their lives. However, one day they’re all involved in a car crash and when Sarah and Alex regain consciousness, they notice that Kelsey has disappeared.

A year later and the disappearance of her best friend has gotten to Sarah and she’s become obsessed with folklore and the stories of the Jersey Devil which she believes may explain Kelsey’s disappearance. So, convincing Alex to come with her, they hire Hank (Anthony Jensen) to help them track down the Jersey Devil and to find out what happened to Kelsey. However, there’s more than just fictitious monsters in the woods and soon the pair find themselves in danger.

Reed’s Point is a horror movie with a premise that people may have seen many times before. They may have also seen movies that have tried to emulate the ‘so bad, it’s good’ feeling such as Sharknado and The Velocipastor.

However, in the case of Reed’s Point it’s hard to tell whether it’s trying to be that kind of movie or not because it takes itself so seriously. Unfortunately, it fails to be good and so bad it’s good simultaneously and despite some bizarrely misjudged moments, there’s just nothing all that interesting here.

It would be all well and good if the bland plot were coupled with some crazy, over the top acting or scenes which escalate the humour, but it just feels like this is the best they can do. Although it does have its moments which may raise a smile like an incredibly easily avoided accident and the predictable, if not evasive, plot. There’s also the chance of a drinking game (take a shot every time somebody gets knocked unconscious).

Despite its relatively short running time of barely seventy-five minutes, it’s impressive how much Reed’s Point can fit in. Although it’s not really sure what kind of horror it wants to be. It could be a monster movie, it could be a crazy killer cult horror or it could be a murderer in the woods film, but it attempts to be all three.

So, unless you want to watch something that may very well know how bad you like your horror then go ahead. If not, then anything else will be better.

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Joel found out that he had a talent for absorbing film trivia at a young age. Ever since then he has probably watched more films than the average human being, not because he has no filter but because it’s one of the most enjoyable, fulfilling and enriching experiences that a person can have. He also has a weak spot for bad sci-fi/horror movies because he is a huge geek and doesn’t care who knows it.


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