Thirst: Review

Hulda (Hulda Lind Kristinsdóttir) is a recovering drug addict who’s always in trouble with the police. They seem to always want to pin something on her and the latest is the death of her brother that happened the previous week.

Hjörtur (Hjörtur Sævar Steinason) is an elderly vampire with a taste for men and despite how many times he tries to get what he wants he never feels satisfied. Then one day, Hjörtur is attacked by a couple of thugs and when Hulda intervenes it gives Hjörtur the chance to unleash his powers and get grisly revenge on his attempted murderers. With nowhere else to go, Hjörtur takes pity on Hulda and decides that he wants to repay her for her kindness. Even if it means raising the dead.

Thirst is an Icelandic vampire horror comedy. The kind of horror comedy that’s a throwback to movies such as Re-Animator and The Evil Dead in terms of its outlandish plot and its buckets of blood that it throws to thrill horror fans.

Unfortunately, it seems that Thirst is not as well thought out as it may seem. With a lot of characters thrown in just to add a bit more tension, Thirst isn’t really the kind of witty and insightful horror comedy that speaks about our modern life while dealing with the supernatural.

Instead, Thirst is for fans of copious amounts of blood with admittedly well-presented practical effects and perhaps more dick jokes than is really necessary.

There was a real chance here to have two people who are outcasts to properly bond and come together to fight the forces of evil. However, the relationship between Hulda and Hjörtur is a mixed one as one minute, Hulda is warming to her vampiric partner only for him to do something horrific which she finds unforgiveable and yet by the end she is fearing for his safety.

Supporting characters are introduced with little to no explanation and whereas there may have been a chance to do some wry family comedy, Thirst is more interested in the gore and the special effects than the story. One for the fans of throwback horror comedy, but not for anyone expecting much humor or a coherent plot.

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