Matthew Postlethwaite: A Quick Chat

Matthew Postlethwaite: A Quick Chat. By Eleanor Klein. – Today we had the pleasure of catching up with British Peaky Blinders Actor Matthew Postlethwaite.

Thank you for speaking with us today! First of all, where did you grow up?

I grew up in the north of England, in the Lake District, surrounded by mountains and lakes. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the world!

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why?

Be patient – it is a long journey!

Be kind to yourself – this was the biggest lesson I had to learn-It’s out of your control – sometimes you don’t get a role, because of 1000 other things other than your performance 

Relax – it makes you a better actor if you are truly present – Find a good group – in Los Angeles, it took a while, I always tell people it takes around three years.

Find a group that supports you, with no jealousy. Jealousy has no place in my life, cut it out from your life immediately.

Finally, lift your friends up when they are winning. It makes you a better person & friend.

What projects are you currently working on?

I am currently focusing on my latest profect, “The Great Artist”, it pushes the boundaries of mental health, which I can tell you first had we as a population do not talk enough about. Sexuality, racism, genders… these are very important aspects of my life. The dehumanizing and putting down of another human because they are not like you  has to stop. I feel a strong need to use the voice I have been given to eradicate the  senseless brutality for minorities. It stems from people’s ignorance, socialism, exposure. Film and art have the power to change believes for the better.

You can follow Matthew on Instagram

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