Lightyear Synopsis: Legendary space ranger Buzz Lightyear (Chris Evans) embarks on an intergalactic adventure alongside ambitious recruits Izzy (Keke Palmer), Mo (Taika Waititi), Darby (Dale Soules), and his robot companion, Sox (Peter Sohn). Leaving his Toy Story days behind him, Buzz Lightyear takes center stage as a valiant galactic ranger in Pixar's latest, Lightyear.


Spiderhead Synopsis: Two inmates (Miles Teller and Jurnee Smollett) form a connection while grappling with their pasts in a state-of-the-art penitentiary run by a brilliant visionary (Chris Hemsworth) who experiments on his subjects with mind-altering drugs. A reckless mogul tests a new breed of emotion-driving drugs on disgraced convicts in Spiderhead. As