>> The Goldberg Standard << It takes a lot to make Whoopi mad Whoopi Goldberg used to be in Star Trek: Next Generation playing the Enterprise's wise old sage, Guinan. She's certainly proving that life doesn't always imitate art. First she provided a nice bit of support for Roman Polanski when he was held in Switzerland, saying


The Final, a brutal, unflinching and shockingly violent portrayal of a small group of geeks’ systematic revenge against their bullying jock, cheerleader and prom queen tormenters, this psychological horror film “crackles with a mean-spirited energy that borders on the psychotic” (MovieCynics.com).Featuring novel if somewhat inappropriate uses for cattle prods and


Independent production company, Belladonna Productions, in New York City has a new film, Divided - by writer/director Michael Johnson, in pre-production right now. It is the story of a love-triangle set in Berlin during the first days of the Berlin Wall.Divided is being produced by Linda Moran and Rene Bastian